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/* The Analysis & Resynthesis Sound Spectrograph
Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Michel Rouzic

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.*/
#include "dsp.h"

void fft(double *in, double *out, int32_t N, uint8_t method)
        /* method :
         * 0 = DFT
         * 1 = IDFT
         * 2 = DHT

        fftw_plan p = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(N, in, out, method, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

void normi(double **s, int32_t xs, int32_t ys, double ratio)    // normalises a signal to the +/-ratio range
        int32_t ix, iy, maxx, maxy;
        double max;

        for (iy=0; iy<ys; iy++)
                for (ix=0; ix<xs; ix++)
                        if (fabs(s[iy][ix])>max)

        #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("norm : %.3f (Y:%i X:%i)\n", max, maxy, maxx);

        if (max!=0.0)
                max /= ratio;
                max = 1.0/max;
                max = 0.0;

        for (iy=0; iy<ys; iy++)
                for (ix=0; ix<xs; ix++)

        #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("ex : %.3f\n", s[0][0]);

double log_pos(double x, double min, double max)        // turns a logarithmic position (i.e. band number/band count) to a frequency
        if (LOGBASE==1.0)
                return x*(max-min) + min;
                return (max-min) * (min * pow(LOGBASE, x * (log(max)-log(min))/log(2.0)) - min) / (min * pow(LOGBASE, (log(max)-log(min))/log(2.0)) - min) + min;

double log_pos_inv(double x, double min, double max)    // turns a frequency to a logarithmic position (i.e. band number/band count)
        if (LOGBASE==1.0)
                return (x - min)/(max-min);
                return log(((x-min) * (min * pow(LOGBASE, (log(max) - log(min))/log(2.0)) - min) / (max-min) + min) / log(LOGBASE)) * log(2.0) / (log(max) - log(min));

double *freqarray(double basefreq, int32_t bands, double bandsperoctave)
        int32_t i;
        double *freq, maxfreq;

        freq=malloc (sizeof(double) * bands);

        if (LOGBASE==1.0)
                maxfreq = bandsperoctave;       // in linear mode we use bpo to store the maxfreq since we couldn't deduce maxfreq otherwise
                maxfreq = basefreq * pow(LOGBASE, ((double) (bands-1)/ bandsperoctave));

        for (i=0;i<bands;i++)
                freq[i] = log_pos((double) i/(double) (bands-1), basefreq, maxfreq);  //band's central freq
        if (log_pos((double) bands / (double) (bands-1), basefreq, maxfreq)>0.5)
                printf("Warning: Upper frequency limit above Nyquist frequency\n");   // TODO change sampling rate instead

        return freq;

double *blackman_downsampling(double *in, int32_t Mi, int32_t Mo)               // Downsampling of the signal by a Blackman function
        int32_t i, j;          // general purpose iterators
        double *out;
        double pos_in;         // position in the original signal
        double x;              // position of the iterator in the blackman(x) formula
        double ratio;          // scaling ratio (> 1.0)
        double ratio_i;                // ratio^-1
        double coef;           // Blackman coefficient
        double coef_sum;       // sum of coefficients, used for weighting

         * Mi is the original signal's length
         * Mo is the output signal's length

        ratio = (double) Mi/Mo;
        ratio_i = 1.0/ratio;

        out = calloc (Mo, sizeof(double));

        for (i=0; i<Mo; i++)
                pos_in = (double) i * ratio;

                coef_sum = 0;

                for (j=roundup(pos_in - ratio); j<=pos_in + ratio; j++)
                        if (j>=0 && j<Mi)                    // if the read sample is within bounds
                                x = j - pos_in + ratio;         // calculate position within the Blackman function
                                coef = 0.42 - 0.5*cos(pi * x * ratio_i) + 0.08*cos(2*pi * x * ratio_i);
                                coef_sum += coef;
                                out[i] += in[j] * coef;         // convolve

                out[i] /= coef_sum;

        return out;

double *bmsq_lut(int32_t size)  // Blackman Square look-up table generator
        int32_t i;                                     // general purpose iterator
        double coef;                                   // Blackman square final coefficient
        double bar = pi * (3.0 / (double) size) * (1.0/1.5);
        double foo;

        double f1 = -0.6595044010905501;               // Blackman Square coefficients
        double f2 =  0.1601741366715479;
        double f4 = -0.0010709178680006;
        double f5 =  0.0001450093579222;
        double f7 =  0.0001008528049040;
        double f8 =  0.0000653092892874;
        double f10 = 0.0000293385615146;
        double f11 = 0.0000205351559060;
        double f13 = 0.0000108567682890;
        double f14 = 0.0000081549460136;
        double f16 = 0.0000048519309366;
        double f17 = 0.0000038284344102;
        double f19 = 0.0000024753630724;

        size++;         // allows to read value 3.0

        double *lut = calloc (size, sizeof(double));

        for (i=0; i<size; i++)
                foo = (double) i * bar;
                coef = 0;

                coef += cos(       foo) * f1  - f1;
                coef += cos( 2.0 * foo) * f2  - f2;
                coef += cos( 4.0 * foo) * f4  - f4;
                coef += cos( 5.0 * foo) * f5  - f5;
                coef += cos( 7.0 * foo) * f7  - f7;
                coef += cos( 8.0 * foo) * f8  - f8;
                coef += cos(10.0 * foo) * f10 - f10;
                coef += cos(11.0 * foo) * f11 - f11;
                coef += cos(13.0 * foo) * f13 - f13;
                coef += cos(14.0 * foo) * f14 - f14;
                coef += cos(16.0 * foo) * f16 - f16;
                coef += cos(17.0 * foo) * f17 - f17;
                coef += cos(19.0 * foo) * f19 - f19;

                lut[i] = coef;

        return lut;

void blackman_square_interpolation(double *in, double *out, int32_t Mi, int32_t Mo, double *lut, int32_t lut_size)      // Interpolation based on an estimate of the Blackman Square function, which is a Blackman function convolved with a square. It's like smoothing the result of a nearest neighbour interpolation with a Blackman FIR
        int32_t i, j;          // general purpose iterators
        double pos_in;         // position in the original signal
        double x;              // position of the iterator in the blackman_square(x) formula
        double ratio;          // scaling ratio (> 1.0)
        double ratio_i;                // ratio^-1
        double coef;           // Blackman square final coefficient
        double pos_lut;                // Index on the look-up table
        int32_t pos_luti;      // Integer index on the look-up table
        double mod_pos;                // modulo of the position on the look-up table
        double y0, y1;         // values of the two closest values on the LUT
        double foo = (double) lut_size / 3.0;
        int32_t j_start, j_stop;       // boundary values for the j loop

         * Mi is the original signal's length
         * Mo is the output signal's length

        ratio = (double) Mi/Mo;
        ratio_i = 1.0/ratio;

        for (i=0; i<Mo; i++)
                pos_in = (double) i * ratio;

                j_stop = pos_in + 1.5;

                j_start = j_stop - 2;
                if (j_start<0)

                if (j_stop >= Mi)             // The boundary check is done after j_start is calculated to avoid miscalculating it
                        j_stop = Mi - 1;

                for (j=j_start; j<=j_stop; j++)
                        x = j - pos_in + 1.5;                        // calculate position within the Blackman square function in the [0.0 ; 3.0] range
                        pos_lut = x * foo;
                        pos_luti = (int32_t) pos_lut;

                        mod_pos = fmod(pos_lut, 1.0);                // modulo of the index

                        y0 = lut[pos_luti];             // interpolate linearly between the two closest values
                        y1 = lut[pos_luti + 1];
                        coef = y0 + mod_pos * (y1 - y0);        // linear interpolation

                        out[i] += in[j] * coef; // convolve

double **anal(double *s, int32_t samplecount, int32_t samplerate, int32_t *Xsize, int32_t bands, double bpo, double pixpersec, double basefreq)
        int32_t i, ib, Mb, Mc, Md, Fa, Fd;
        double **out, *h, *freq, *t, coef, La, Ld, Li, maxfreq;

         s is the original signal
         samplecount is the original signal's orginal length
         ib is the band iterator
         i is a general purpose iterator
         Mb is the length of the original signal once zero-padded (always even)
         Mc is the length of the filtered signal
         Md is the length of the envelopes once downsampled (constant)
         Fa is the index of the band's start in the frequency domain
         Fd is the index of the band's end in the frequency domain
         La is the log2 of the frequency of Fa
         Ld is the log2 of the frequency of Fd
         Li is the iterative frequency between La and Ld defined logarithmically
         coef is a temporary modulation coefficient
         t is temporary pointer to a new version of the signal being worked on
         bands is the total count of bands
         freq is the band's central frequency
         maxfreq is the central frequency of the last band

        freq = freqarray(basefreq, bands, bpo);

        if (LOGBASE==1.0)
                maxfreq = bpo;  // in linear mode we use bpo to store the maxfreq since we couldn't deduce maxfreq otherwise
                maxfreq = basefreq * pow(LOGBASE, ((double) (bands-1)/ bpo));

        *Xsize = samplecount * pixpersec;
        if (fmod((double) samplecount * pixpersec, 1.0) != 0.0)                // round-up
        printf("Image size : %dx%d\n", *Xsize, bands);
        out = malloc (bands * sizeof(double *));


        //********ZEROPADDING********  Note : Don't do it in Circular mode

        if (LOGBASE==1.0)
                Mb = samplecount - 1 + (int32_t) roundoff(5.0/ freq[1]-freq[0]);      // linear mode
                Mb = samplecount - 1 + (int32_t) roundoff(2.0*5.0/((freq[0] * pow(LOGBASE, -1.0/(bpo))) * (1.0 - pow(LOGBASE, -1.0 / bpo))));
        if (Mb % 2 == 1)       // if Mb is odd
                Mb++;           // make it even (for the sake of simplicity)

        Mb = roundoff((double) nextsprime((int32_t) roundoff(Mb * pixpersec)) / pixpersec);

        Md = roundoff(Mb * pixpersec);

        s = realloc (s, Mb * sizeof(double));  // realloc to the zeropadded size
        memset(&s[samplecount], 0, (Mb-samplecount) * sizeof(double)); // zero-out the padded area. Equivalent of : for (i=samplecount; i<Mb; i++) s[i] = 0;

        fft(s, s, Mb, 0);                      // In-place FFT of the original zero-padded signal

        for (ib=0; ib<bands; ib++)

                Fa = roundoff(log_pos((double) (ib-1)/(double) (bands-1), basefreq, maxfreq) * Mb);
                Fd = roundoff(log_pos((double) (ib+1)/(double) (bands-1), basefreq, maxfreq) * Mb);
                La = log_pos_inv((double) Fa / (double) Mb, basefreq, maxfreq);
                Ld = log_pos_inv((double) Fd / (double) Mb, basefreq, maxfreq);

                if (Fd > Mb/2)
                        Fd = Mb/2;   // stop reading if reaching the Nyquist frequency

                if (Fa<1)

                Mc = (Fd-Fa)*2 + 1;   // '*2' because the filtering is on both real and imaginary parts, '+1' for the DC. No Nyquist component since the signal length is necessarily odd

                if (Md>Mc)                                    // if the band is going to be too narrow
                        Mc = Md;

                if (Md<Mc)                                    // round the larger bands up to the next integer made of 2^n * 3^m
                        Mc = nextsprime(Mc);

                printf("%4d/%d (FFT size: %6d)   %.2f Hz - %.2f Hz\r", ib+1, bands, Mc, (double) Fa*samplerate/Mb, (double) Fd*samplerate/Mb);

                out[bands-ib-1] = calloc(Mc, sizeof(double)); // allocate new band

                for (i=0; i<Fd-Fa; i++)
                        Li = log_pos_inv((double) (i+Fa) / (double) Mb, basefreq, maxfreq);  // calculation of the logarithmic position
                        Li = (Li-La)/(Ld-La);
                        coef = 0.5 - 0.5*cos(2.0*pi*Li);             // Hann function
                        out[bands-ib-1][i+1] = s[i+1+Fa] * coef;
                        out[bands-ib-1][Mc-1-i] = s[Mb-Fa-1-i] * coef;

                //********90° rotation********

                h = calloc(Mc, sizeof(double));                       // allocate the 90° rotated version of the band
                // Rotation : Re' = Im; Im' = -Re

                for (i=0; i<Fd-Fa; i++)
                        h[i+1] = out[bands-ib-1][Mc-1-i];    // Re' = Im
                        h[Mc-1-i] = -out[bands-ib-1][i+1];   // Im' = -Re
                //--------90° rotation--------

                //********Envelope detection********

                fft(out[bands-ib-1], out[bands-ib-1], Mc, 1);         // In-place IFFT of the filtered band signal
                fft(h, h, Mc, 1);                                     // In-place IFFT of the filtered band signal rotated by 90°

                for (i=0; i<Mc; i++)
                        out[bands-ib-1][i] = sqrt(out[bands-ib-1][i]*out[bands-ib-1][i] + h[i]*h[i]);        // Magnitude of the analytic signal

                //--------Envelope detection--------


                if (Mc < Md)                                                                  // if the band doesn't have to be resampled
                        out[bands-ib-1] = realloc(out[bands-ib-1], Md * sizeof(double));     // simply ignore the end of it

                if (Mc > Md)  // If the band *has* to be downsampled
                        t = out[bands-ib-1];

                        out[bands-ib-1] = blackman_downsampling(out[bands-ib-1], Mc, Md);    // Blackman downsampling


                out[bands-ib-1] = realloc(out[bands-ib-1], *Xsize * sizeof(double));          // Tail chopping


        normi(out, *Xsize, bands, 1.0);
        return out;

double *wsinc_max(int32_t length, double bw)
        int32_t i;
        int32_t bwl;   // integer transition bandwidth
        double tbw;    // double transition bandwidth
        double *h;     // kernel
        double x;      // position in the antiderivate of the Blackman function of the sample we're at
        double coef;   // coefficient obtained from the function

        tbw = bw * (double) (length-1);
        bwl = roundup(tbw);
        h = calloc (length, sizeof(double));

        for (i=1; i<length; i++)
                h[i] = 1.0;

        for (i=0; i<bwl; i++)
                x = (double) i / tbw;                                                         // position calculation between 0.0 and 1.0
                coef = 0.42*x - (0.5/(2.0*pi))*sin(2.0*pi*x) + (0.08/(4.0*pi))*sin(4.0*pi*x); // antiderivative of the Blackman function
                coef *= 1.0/0.42;
                h[i+1] = coef;
                h[length-1-i] = coef;

        return h;

double *synt_sine(double **d, int32_t Xsize, int32_t bands, int32_t *samplecount, int32_t samplerate, double basefreq, double pixpersec, double bpo)
        double *s, *freq, *filter, *sband, sine[4], rphase;
        int32_t i, ib;
        int32_t Fc, Bc, Mh, Mn, sbsize;

         d is the original image (spectrogram)
         s is the output sound
         sband is the band's envelope upsampled and shifted up in frequency
         sbsize is the length of sband
         sine is the random sine look-up table
         *samplecount is the output sound's length
         ib is the band iterator
         i is a general purpose iterator
         bands is the total count of bands
         Fc is the index of the band's centre in the frequency domain on the new signal
         Bc is the index of the band's centre in the frequency domain on sband (its imaginary match being sbsize-Bc)
         Mh is the length of the real or imaginary part of the envelope's FFT, DC element included and Nyquist element excluded
         Mn is the length of the real or imaginary part of the sound's FFT, DC element included and Nyquist element excluded
         freq is the band's central frequency
         rphase is the band's sine's random phase

        freq = freqarray(basefreq, bands, bpo);


        sbsize = nextsprime(Xsize * 2);                                // In Circular mode keep it to sbsize = Xsize * 2;

        *samplecount = roundoff(Xsize/pixpersec);
        printf("Sound duration : %.3f s\n", (double) *samplecount/samplerate);
        *samplecount = roundoff(0.5*sbsize/pixpersec);         // Do not change this value as it would stretch envelopes

        s = calloc(*samplecount, sizeof(double));              // allocation of the sound signal
        sband = malloc (sbsize * sizeof(double));              // allocation of the shifted band

        Bc = roundoff(0.25 * (double) sbsize);

        Mh = (sbsize + 1) >> 1;
        Mn = (*samplecount + 1) >> 1;

        filter = wsinc_max(Mh, 1.0/TRANSITION_BW_SYNT);                // generation of the frequency-domain filter

        for (ib=0; ib<bands; ib++)
                memset(sband, 0, sbsize * sizeof(double));    // reset sband

                //********Frequency shifting********

                rphase = dblrand() * pi;                        // random phase between -pi and +pi

                for (i=0; i<4; i++)                           // generating the random sine LUT
                        sine[i]=cos(i*2.0*pi*0.25 + rphase);

                for (i=0; i<Xsize; i++)                               // envelope sampling rate * 2 and frequency shifting by 0.25
                        if ((i & 1) == 0)
                                sband[i<<1] = d[bands-ib-1][i] * sine[0];
                                sband[(i<<1) + 1] = d[bands-ib-1][i] * sine[1];
                                sband[i<<1] = d[bands-ib-1][i] * sine[2];
                                sband[(i<<1) + 1] = d[bands-ib-1][i] * sine[3];
                //--------Frequency shifting--------

                fft(sband, sband, sbsize, 0);                 // FFT of the envelope
                Fc = roundoff(freq[ib] * *samplecount); // band's centre index (envelope's DC element)

                printf("%4d/%d   %.2f Hz\r", ib+1, bands, (double) Fc*samplerate / *samplecount);

                //********Write FFT********

                for (i=1; i<Mh; i++)
                        if (Fc-Bc+i > 0 && Fc-Bc+i < Mn)     // if we're between frequencies 0 and 0.5 of the new signal and that we're not at Fc
                                s[i+Fc-Bc] += sband[i] * filter[i];                             // Real part
                                s[*samplecount-(i+Fc-Bc)] += sband[sbsize-i] * filter[i];       // Imaginary part
                //--------Write FFT--------


        fft(s, s, *samplecount, 1);                    // IFFT of the final sound
        *samplecount = roundoff(Xsize/pixpersec);       // chopping tails by ignoring them

        normi(&s, *samplecount, 1, 1.0);

        return s;

double *synt_noise(double **d, int32_t Xsize, int32_t bands, int32_t *samplecount, int32_t samplerate, double basefreq, double pixpersec, double bpo)
        int32_t        i;                      // general purpose iterator
        int32_t        ib;                     // bands iterator
        int32_t        il;                     // loop iterator
        double *s;                     // final signal
        double coef;
        double *noise;                 // filtered looped noise
        double loop_size_sec=LOOP_SIZE_SEC;    // size of the filter bank loop, in seconds. Later to be taken from user input
        int32_t        loop_size;              // size of the filter bank loop, in samples. Deduced from loop_size_sec
        int32_t        loop_size_min;          // minimum required size for the filter bank loop, in samples. Calculated from the longest windowed sinc's length
        double *pink_noise;            // original pink noise (in the frequency domain)
        double mag, phase;             // parameters for the creation of pink_noise's samples
        double *envelope;              // interpolated envelope
        double *lut;                   // Blackman Sqaure look-up table

        double *freq;          // frequency look-up table
        double maxfreq;        // central frequency of the last band
        int32_t        Fa;             // Fa is the index of the band's start in the frequency domain
        int32_t        Fd;             // Fd is the index of the band's end in the frequency domain
        double La;             // La is the log2 of the frequency of Fa
        double Ld;             // Ld is the log2 of the frequency of Fd
        double Li;             // Li is the iterative frequency between La and Ld defined logarithmically

        freq = freqarray(basefreq, bands, bpo);

        if (LOGBASE==1.0)
                maxfreq = bpo;  // in linear mode we use bpo to store the maxfreq since we couldn't deduce maxfreq otherwise
                maxfreq = basefreq * pow(LOGBASE, ((double) (bands-1)/ bpo));


        *samplecount = roundoff(Xsize/pixpersec);               // calculation of the length of the final signal
        printf("Sound duration : %.3f s\n", (double) *samplecount/samplerate);

        s = calloc (*samplecount, sizeof(double));             // allocation of the final signal
        envelope = calloc (*samplecount, sizeof(double));      // allocation of the interpolated envelope

        //********Loop size calculation********

        loop_size = loop_size_sec * samplerate;

        if (LOGBASE==1.0)
                loop_size_min = (int32_t) roundoff(4.0*5.0/ freq[1]-freq[0]); // linear mode
                loop_size_min = (int32_t) roundoff(2.0*5.0/((freq[0] * pow(2.0, -1.0/(bpo))) * (1.0 - pow(2.0, -1.0 / bpo))));        // this is the estimate of how many samples the longest FIR will take up in the time domain

        if (loop_size_min > loop_size)
                loop_size = loop_size_min;

        loop_size = nextsprime(loop_size);      // enlarge the loop_size to the next multiple of short primes in order to make IFFTs faster
        //--------Loop size calculation--------

        //********Pink noise generation********

        pink_noise = calloc (loop_size, sizeof(double));

        for (i=1; i<(loop_size+1)>>1; i++)
                mag = pow((double) i, 0.5 - 0.5*LOGBASE);     // FIXME something's not necessarily right with that formula
                phase = dblrand() * pi;                         // random phase between -pi and +pi

                pink_noise[i]= mag * cos(phase);                // real part
                pink_noise[loop_size-i]= mag * sin(phase);      // imaginary part
        //--------Pink noise generation--------

        noise = malloc(loop_size * sizeof(double));            // allocate noise
        lut = bmsq_lut(BMSQ_LUT_SIZE);                          // Blackman Square look-up table initalisation

        for (ib=0; ib<bands; ib++)
                printf("%4d/%d\r", ib+1, bands);

                memset(noise, 0, loop_size * sizeof(double)); // reset filtered noise


                Fa = roundoff(log_pos((double) (ib-1)/(double) (bands-1), basefreq, maxfreq) * loop_size);
                Fd = roundoff(log_pos((double) (ib+1)/(double) (bands-1), basefreq, maxfreq) * loop_size);
                La = log_pos_inv((double) Fa / (double) loop_size, basefreq, maxfreq);
                Ld = log_pos_inv((double) Fd / (double) loop_size, basefreq, maxfreq);

                if (Fd > loop_size/2)
                        Fd = loop_size/2;    // stop reading if reaching the Nyquist frequency

                if (Fa<1)

                printf("%4d/%d   %.2f Hz - %.2f Hz\r", ib+1, bands, (double) Fa*samplerate/loop_size, (double) Fd*samplerate/loop_size);

                for (i=Fa; i<Fd; i++)
                        Li = log_pos_inv((double) i / (double) loop_size, basefreq, maxfreq);        // calculation of the logarithmic position
                        Li = (Li-La)/(Ld-La);
                        coef = 0.5 - 0.5*cos(2.0*pi*Li);             // Hann function
                        noise[i+1] = pink_noise[i+1] * coef;
                        noise[loop_size-1-i] = pink_noise[loop_size-1-i] * coef;

                fft(noise, noise, loop_size, 1);      // IFFT of the filtered noise

                memset(envelope, 0, *samplecount * sizeof(double));                                                   // blank the envelope
                blackman_square_interpolation(d[bands-ib-1], envelope, Xsize, *samplecount, lut, BMSQ_LUT_SIZE);      // interpolation of the envelope

                il = 0;
                for (i=0; i<*samplecount; i++)
                        s[i] += envelope[i] * noise[il];        // modulation
                        il++;                                   // increment loop iterator
                        if (il==loop_size)                   // if the array iterator has reached the end of the array, it's reset


        normi(&s, *samplecount, 1, 1.0);

        return s;

void brightness_control(double **image, int32_t width, int32_t height, double ratio)    // Almost like a gamma correction, but uses a different formula
        // Actually this is based on the idea of converting values to decibels, for example, 0.01 becomes -40 dB, dividing them by ratio, so if ratio is 2 then -40 dB/2 = -20 dB, and then turning it back to regular values, so -20 dB becomes 0.1
        // If ratio==2 then this function is equivalent to a square root
        // 1/ratio is used for the forward transformation
        // ratio is used for the reverse transformation

        int32_t ix, iy;

        for (iy=0; iy<width; iy++)
                for (ix=0; ix<height; ix++)
                        image[iy][ix] = pow(image[iy][ix], ratio);

This site is in hiatus. Last updated on February 23rd, 2009
©2007-2009 Michel Rouzic